Complimentary Comment Gets Blogger All Fired Up
I haven't been posting much these past two weeks as I am afflicted with a bad case of writer's block. Lately, I've been finding it increasingly difficult to blog because of frustration over my miniscule viewer traffic. Ironically, I do know that one way to get my viewer traffic to go up is by posting more regularly.
Well, I've just visited my other blog Better Philippines and was pleased to find that someone has left a comment on my post about Earth Hour. The commenter, a certain kiko3, wrote "beautiful blog merciiiiii." I must admit that small comment boosted my spirit. Naturally, I approved and published kiko3's comment. I also posted a short thank you message to show my appreciation.
I'm sure my three loyal followers will think this is rather pathetic -- getting all fired up because of a small comment. I will not dispute any such opinion because it really is pathetic especially since the comment I got was classified as spam.