Links With Cheese ~ Words For Moolah

Links With Cheese

my good friend paul has been encouraging me to link up with blogs that feature posts concerning hot current events. one such issue he recommended that i ride (sakyan) is the one about that much talked about fight that cemented the philippine's reputation for producing world class boxers, the de la paz-pangandaman brawl. yeah, i know the pacquiao-de la hoya fight also helped boost our country's boxing pride but let's reserve that for another post.

anyway, paul's advise is sound and i believe he is right. riding on hot issues by posting on relevant blogs is one way of harnessing the power of networking. but there's a problem...

i don't want to appear like i'm criticizing how other bloggers drive up traffic to their sites because i'm not. i'm simply saying that this approach is a little too cheesy for my taste.

don't get me wrong i love cheese. in fact, i can recommend cheese as a topping for any viand except maybe for "paksiw." but, i digress.

the simple fact is i'm just not yet comfortable with the idea of commenting on another person's blog if my dominant motivation for doing so is to boost traffic to my own site.

writing about the hot issue on my own blog? well, that's a different matter altogether.

seriously, the problem is me; not you cheesy poster.

perhaps i'm just not ready to give up the few scruples i have left. but who knows maybe after my next visit to the bathroom i'll be able to rid myself of such hindrances to blogosphere domination.



  1. PRF said,

    Hey Cheesemeister,

    I think the emphasis should be to come up with entries that most people would be interested in and would most likely be searching for. Also, if it involves a personal experience of a sort.

    Good if it involves some controversy and a heated debate. Remarkable, even, if it actually involves something that will be useful to lots of people.

    Even better if it doesn't involve the personal lives of absolute strangers -- like, say, the proper term for the lint that seems to accumulate between the keys of my laptop.

    For sure, there are a couple more factors that will drive up traffic to a blog post and they are not limited to commenting on or posting an entry about somebody's misfortune.

    The Dela Paz-Pangandaman Valley Golf Feud was something I sincerely felt strongly about.

    I really hate it when pretty girls get their father and brother beaten up by government officials who seemed to be displaying hubris. Therefore, I blogged about it without considering if it would drive up my traffic.

    Certainly, I didn't pursue it for this reason alone.

    As to others the fact that others may have just commented on Bambi's blog or written entries about it just to drive up their traffic, I join words for moolah in his campaign against insincerity in blogging.

    We will find you and leave nasty comments on your blog because we can't piss in your mailbox.

    on January 7, 2009 at 3:35 PM  

  2. where's the smiley?

    on January 7, 2009 at 7:49 PM  

  3. PRF said,

    O O


    0 O
    0 O
    0 o o o O

    on January 9, 2009 at 7:21 PM  

  4. PRF said,

    That was supposed to be smiley but the formatting got screwed up.

    I know you'll visit Pinoybiz because I made a lot of nasty comments about your underwear.

    on January 9, 2009 at 7:25 PM